Myeloma bone disease is still incurable and is characterized by destructive osteolytic lesions causing bone pain, fractures, and hypercalcemia. Our recent collaboration with Bayer AG and Aurexel Life Sciences showed promising results of a combination therapy of radium-223 and bortezomib, and could possibly constitute an effective therapy for myeloma bone disease.
This newly published article is based on in vitro and in vivo studies conducted by Pharmatest and Bayer AG. The 5TGM1 multiple myeloma mouse model was selected since it closely mimics the clinical conditions of myeloma bone disease in patients, including prominent osteolytic lesions in bone. This model is known for its aggressive disease progression, however combination therapy with radium-223 and bortezomib induced a significant reduction in osteolytic area within the short treatment period. The combination therapy resulted in almost complete eradication of osteoclasts and based on histological analysis, and synergistic increase in necrotic tumor area were observed in the mice treated with the combination therapy.
For additional information, please see the following recent publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences:
Additive Benefits of Radium-223 Dichloride and Bortezomib Combination in a Systemic Multiple Myeloma Mouse Model by Mari I. Suominen, Jenni Mäki-Jouppila, Anna Huhtinen, Birgitta Sjöholm, Jukka P. Rissanen, Anniina Luostarinen, Katja M. Fagerlund, Esa Alhoniemi, Gerhard Siemeister, Dominik Mumberg, Sanna-Maria Käkönen and Arne Scholz.