Male Osteoporosis
Rodent models of male osteoporosis
Osteoporosis affects aging men and leads to an increased risk of bone fracture. The development of male osteoporosis is associated with several risk factors, including androgen deficiency. The rat orchidectomy (ORX) model is the most commonly used animal model of androgen deficiency and male osteoporosis.
Rat orchidectomy (ORX) model
Pharmatest can help you in determining the efficacy of your new drug candidates for male osteoporosis with the rat ORX model. When necessary a preliminary 2-week study can be first performed for identifying the best out of several potential compounds and finding its optimal doses. Efficacy of the best compound can then be confirmed with more extensive and longer studies. Preclinical efficacy studies can also be performed with intact male rats, or intact male mice that require lower amount of test compound.
Pharmatest has specific standard study setups for testing compounds with anti-catabolic and anabolic bone effects. We also provide tailored study setups for testing biosimilars and functional foods that have less extensive regulatory requirements. A list of bone analyses that we offer in our animal models can be found in our list of bone analysis services.
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